
Investment Incentives


Consult the Grant Regulation for Municipal Investment Incentives here.

To submit your application within the Grant Regulation for Municipal Investment Incentives, you must fill in the fields of the application declaration accessible here (The application declaration form is only available in Portuguese and must be filled in Portuguese, due to legal requirements. Application documents must be submitted in Portuguese.)

The declaration must be initialled on the various pages and signed and stamped on the last page by whoever legally obliges the company.

Then, you must fill in the fields below and upload the declaration and investment plan (explanatory document of the investment project, where it should be included the indication of the investment amount involved, the number of jobs to be created/maintained in the Municipality of Braga, with reference to whether they are full-time jobs or not and for what type of functions, explanation of the type of activity of the company which promotes the investment, investment items, the importance of this project for the city and for your company, etc.).

Finally, press the SUBMIT button.

Once submitted, your application will be instructed and analyzed by InvestBraga. After the instruction phase, the application goes to the City Council meeting and the Municipal Assembly meeting, which is responsible for the final decision on whether to grant incentives.

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We also inform you that all data will be stored only for the legal period provided for, in our Privacy Policy, and that you can exercise your rights at any time.