Strategic Partners
In order to promote the discussion and advice on the strategy and lines of action for economic development and attracting investment for the region, InvestBraga has a Strategic Council that guarantees cooperation between the Economic Agency, Braga City Council and the strategic partners.
Together, the strategic council members aim to cooperate in economic activities and attract investment by boosting economic growth and placing the municipality on the radar of national and international economic investment.
Chaired by the President of InvestBraga, this Strategic Council is composed of the following members:
a) President of InvestBraga;
b) Mayor of Braga;
c) Rector of University of Minho;
d) President of Commercial Association of Braga;
e) President of the Board of Directors of IAPMEI;
f) President of the Board of Directors of AICEP;
g) President of the IEFP Board of Directors;
h) President of IPCA;
i) President of Braga Regional Center of the Portuguese Catholic University;
j) President of Minho Business Association;
k) Individual members, national and international personalities invited by InvestBraga.